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DT Regi DT Register
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File Details
Created 2019-11-23
Updated: 2021-12-13
Version 4.2.8
Developer: DTH Development
Size 76.85 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 78
Website Demo external

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DT Register supports powerful event management system, 20+ popular payment gateways, multiple themes and templates. It is easy to setup with all core features built-in in the powerful admin panel: Location, event types, discounts, custom fields, event registration form, tax, email notification and more.

Main Features:

Event Management
Many tools are provided to help in managing attendees and events such as:
- Search and view registrant lists
- CSV Import and Exports of Attendees
- Automated customized emails (including reminders) at different stages of event cycle
- Automated SMS alerts at different stages to attendees, moderators and Joomla admins (thru DT SMS)
- Barcode support
- Attendance Check
- Event capacity alerts
- Track Paid Attendees status
- Archive Management
- Print options for confirmations pages during registration
- Category assignment including multiple categories and sub-categories
- event can be imported from jevent
- event export/import from google calendar

Payments gateways
DT Register provides integration with many payment providers including:

PayPal (Standard), PayPal Pro, WorldPay (Europe), Quickbooks Merchant Services (QBMS), TransFirst, Sage (N. America), PayFast (S. Africa), USA ePay, PSiGate, Saferpay, iDeal (Rabobank Lite), Korta (Europe), Moneris (Canada), ePDQ (United Kingdom), PrismPay (USA), Sofort (Europe), PayWay (Australia), PayFlow Pro by PayPal offline payment options.

You can also setup an event as a FREE event or handle payments later after the registration has been confirmed.

Other payment gateways are supported by purchasing separate paid plugins. Those include:

Authorize.net (AIM, Accept Hosted, eCheck), Mollie, eWay, Converge, Ingenico, Paydollar, Payway, PayPal Express Checkout, Stripe.

Recurring Events
Create multiple instances of same event
- Recur events daily, weekly, monthly, and sets of dates.
- Each child event is an independent event with it's own registrants, registration form, tickets...
- Update parent event can update information of all children events.

Locations management
- Easy location creation and management from back-end.
- Get direction to a location/venue.

Multiple Event types and modules
- Support multiple event types: event for individual, event for group, event for registered user
- Modules: Calendar, upcoming events, categories, locations, mini calendar
- Content plugin, event registration link on the article.

Synchronize profile data
- Integrate with Joomla user profile and third party extensions: Community Builder, Jomsocial.
- Use data stored in user profile to pre-fill registration form automatically if registrants have an existing account.
- Create a Joomla account.

Discount options
There are multiple options which you can use to give discounts for your registrants to encourage them to register for your events.

  • Coupon codes: Fixed discount amount or by percent.
  • Early bird discount: Offer discount if registrants register before certain date.
  • Members discount: Offer discount if registrants are members on your site (members from different Joomla user groups can have different discount amounts).
  • Group registration rates: The more number of registrants, the lower price.
  • Bundle discount: Offer discount if registrants for multiple pre-determined events.
  • Late fee: Charge an additional fee if registrants register after the certain date.

Custom fee field
An unique, power feature of DTH register allows you to charge registrants different registration fee base on what they choose/enter on the registration form.
- Single selection (Radio / Single select). Example Adult : 100$, Student 90$, Children 30$.
- Multiple selections (Checkboxes/Multiple select). Example: Lunch(+100$), Wifi (+10$)
- Text fee field with fee formula.
- Multiply the value of diffrent custom fee fields to calculate the final fee.

Options to register for an event
Different options to register for an event
- Individual Registration allows you to register for one user.
- Group Registration allow you to register for several users in a group. With group registration rate setup, admin can give discount for group registration (the more members in group, the more discount).
- Shopping cart option allows you to register for different events within one checkout.
- Registrants can access to registration history page to view their registration history and edit information of registration records if needed.

Registration form
Custom, flexible registration form
- Choose to show/hide, require/not require any fields on the registration form.
- Choose which fields you want to use for each type of registration (individual registration form, group members form, group billing form).
- Create additional custom fields to collect any information you want from registrants.
- Each event can have its own, independent set of custom fields.
- Registration integration option allows registrants to register for a Joomla account while registering for an event.

Powerful custom fields
- Support 10 different types of custom fields: Birth Date, Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkbox List, Radiolist, Datetime, Heading(Textual), Message.
- Conditional custom fields: Show hide a custom field base on selected value of another custom field.
- Custom fee fields: Total registration fee will be calculated based on what users choose/enter on registration form.
- Custom field quantity: Limit each option in a custom field (Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiple select) to a certain number you want.
- Option to assign custom fields to individual event.

Front-end managements
You can customize your users’ experience with DT Register in many ways. There is a front end control panel allowing you to grant permissions to Joomla users the right to manage Events that are found in the back end control panel. With calendaring functions and mapping location features you empower registrants to integrate the registration experience with their personal needs.
- Calendar Integration for registrants to Google calendar.
- DT Register Calendar view and front end searching.
- Google Maps Integration for locating events.
- Allow permitted users to Create and Manage Events from the front end

Coupons & Tax support
- Create coupon codes to give discount for registrants.
- Two types of coupon discount supported: By percent or by fixed amount.
- Coupons can be imported/exported from/to CSV/Excel file.
- Tax rate can be added for each event to charge tax for registration.
- Ordering of fee calculation can be set

Deposit payment & Waiting List
- (Partial payment)Enable deposit payment for an event will allow registrants pay an upfront fee (determined by admin) while registering and pay the remaining fee later (online payment or manually at the event).
- Enable waiting list allows users to join the waiting list of an event when it is full. Later, if someone cancels the registration, admin can move these waiting lists users into registrants.

An optional add-on extension is available for creating and emailing customized invoices to registrants (DT Invoice).

Generate certificates
If you need to provide certificates of completion (even diplomas) to attendees there is an optional add on an extension that integrates DocuSign with DT Register (DT DocuSign).

Emails notification
- Notification emails sent to administrator when someone registers for an event or submit event from front-end.
- Confirmation emails sent to registrants when they register for an event or their registration is approved by admin (in case they use offline payment).
- Mass Mail to send emails to all registrants of a selected event.
- Batch Mail to send emails to selected registrant.
- Reminder emails sent to registrants (automatically by the system) to remind them X-days before the event started.
- Notification email sent to the administrator when registrants cancel his registration.
- Each event can have it own notification emails and email messages if required.

Manage registrants
- View registrants list, search for registrant base firstname, lastname, organization..., filter registrants from a selected event...
- Add/edit registration records, add more registrants into an existing group registration.
- Approve offline payment registration (after receiving payment from registrants).
- Export/Import registrants to/from Excel, CSV file.
- Sending mass mail to registrants of an event or to selected registrants.
- Resend email (in case registrants don't receive it for some reasons).

Multiple modules and plugins
- Up-coming events, mini-calendar, categories, locations, events map, search events module.
- Plugin to display events (a specific event or events from a certain category) on a Joomla article.
- Plugin to display registration form on a Joomla article.
- Search plugin allows searching for events via Joomla standard search.

Newsletter integration
- Supports AcyMailing Mailchimp

Free Themes and Templates
- Base Theme
- Grid Theme
- List Theme
- JA Events ii Joomla template
- JA Conf Joomla template
- JA Fit Joomla template


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Please update 4.2.8

Thx !

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