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HotThemes BNB - Joomla Template
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HotThemes BNB - Joomla Template
File Details
Created 2024-07-13
Updated: 2024-07-14
Version 5.1
Developer: HotThemes
Author Azrolan
Downloads 3
Website Demo external

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A clean and modern design dedicated to the websites for apartments or houses that are rented as BNBs (bed and breakfasts). Various additional functions are added as modules.

There are two carousels on the home page for different use cases (simple image slider and testimonials). Also, the best images of the BNB can be presented in a horizontal infinite scroll module. Display of the BNB location and current weather conditions are also supported in modules.

Carousel Modules

There are 2 carousels in this template. The first is a simpler image carousel on the top. The second carousel is used for the testimonials and it has much more options for different use cases.

Both modules are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. The control of the slide show is possible on classic screens and touch screens.

Page Builder

All demo content of the BNB template is created using our Sparky Page Builder - a native Joomla editor on steroids. You can use this editor to accomplish the creation of your content pages easier. For example, you can change text and media without hassle, add, copy, move, and delete elements easily without any HTML or CSS coding.

It lets you edit all the content visually. You can add sections with columns that are later filled up with content blocks of various types (text, media, icons, modules, etc.). It also lets you move all the elements around visually, using the drag-and-drop method.

The Sparky Framework

The Sparky Framework is a parent template of the BNB (child) template. At the heart of all our templates is this framework. All of its powers are transferred to the BNB child template. From the simpler changes (like font styling) to the more complex operations (like changes in the layout), everything is done within the framework.

In the template options, you can use drag-and-drop Layout Builder to adjust or add more module positions. The framework also lets you select Google fonts, and change all the colors, menus, logo images, and more without hassle. Based on your settings, the framework creates static CSS and Javascript files for faster loading.

The Sparky Framework

The Sparky Framework is a parent template of the BNB (child) template. At the heart of all our templates is this framework. All of its powers are transferred to the BNB child template. From the simpler changes (like font styling) to the more complex operations (like changes in the layout), everything is done within the framework.

In the template options, you can use drag-and-drop Layout Builder to adjust or add more module positions. The framework also lets you select Google fonts, and change all the colors, menus, logo images, and more without hassle. Based on your settings, the framework creates static CSS and Javascript files for faster loading.

5 Color Variants

There are 5 color schemes included with the Hot BNB Joomla template.

If none of these pre-defined variants match your company branding, you can create your color scheme through the template settings. Also, you can fine-tune one of the pre-defined color schemes.


Hot Maps and Weather

The Hot Maps module can show the location of your company and navigate the clients to this address using Google Maps. The Hot Weather module shows the weather conditions for any location.

You can use the module with or without an API key. The API key is required if you need advanced customizations of the map's styling and also the weather module.

Hot Image Scroller

The Hot Image Scroller is a simple module that can scroll a collection of your images horizontally. It's ideal for the best photos of your bed and breakfast house or apartment.


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