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regularlabs Articles Field regularlabs Articles Field Pro
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File Details
Created 2020-05-13
Updated: 2022-03-07
Version 3.2
Developer: regularlabs
Size 680 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 71
Website Demo external

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Articles Field is a Joomla! custom field plugin that greatly extends the capabilities of custom fields.

With the native Joomla! lists fields, the values are only treated as plain text and cannot be linked to any other content.

The Regular Labs "Articles" Field type (articles) plugin is a custom field that gives you the ability to choose from a list of articles (based on the selected filters), allowing you to directly connect articles to each other.

The result displayed on the frontend article is a list of the selected articles, that can be hyperlinked to the respective articles, and even displayed with a custom layout (title, custom fields, and other article data).

You can determine which articles show up in the custom field select list by optionally filtering it by categories. The Pro version allows you to also filter the list of articles by tags, authors, language, and other custom field values.

The Pro version also comes with an additional plugin: the "Articles - Linked" Field type (articleslinked) .
The "Articles - Linked" Field type adds the ability to automatically show, in an article, all the articles that are linked to it via instances of the "Articles" Field. This makes it possible to have both articles automatically link back and forth to each other.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how you can use Articles Field.

Say you have a website about Movies. You have 3 main categories with articles: one for the "Movies", one for the "Actors" and one for the "Directors".

On each Movie page you want to list the Actors and the Director(s) associated with that movie, linking to their respective article page:

  • Create two custom field instances of the "Articles" Field, and assign them to appear on articles of the "Movies" category.
  • Name one custom field "Directed by" and set the Filter by Categories to the "Directors" category.
  • Name one custom field "Cast", and set the Filter by Categories to the "Actors" category.

Now when you create/edit a Movie article, you will see these two custom fields. One will list all the "Directors" articles and the other all the "Actors" articles. You can select the actors and the director(s) from those list fields.

When you go to the Movie article on the frontend of your website, you will now see the output of the two custom fields. Each will list the selected articles (actors and directors) as clickable titles. Clicking on one of these will take you to the respective article.

And what if in each Actor page you want to automatically show all the Movies where the actor starred in? You can do this with the Pro version of Articles Field:

  • Simply create an instance of the "Articles - Linked" Field, name it "Starred in", and assign it to appear on articles of the "Actors" category.
  • In the Linked Fields setting, select the "Cast" custom field.

This will tell Articles Field to show in the frontend a list of movies that are linked to an Actor via the "Cast" field of the "Movies" category. Now when you create/edit an Actor article, you have the ability to switch on the field to show the linked movies articles.


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