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Joomla! has a long history of being the perfect CMS (Content Management System). in previous versions (1.x / 2.5) the Content (articles) generation and displaying lacked Blog functionality. There are different requirements in having a Blog website than in having an article based CMS.
Extensions like K2 and EasyBlog jumped at the opportunity to improve the blogging capabilities. Unfortunately they 'failed' to build upon the already present CMS functionality and started 're-inventing' / duplicating the wheel for a large part. Due to the need to import already present Joomla! articles and the lack of revert / export functionality, you are bound to be locked in into their solution...
By creating their own extensions / architecture and functionality a lot of already present (and future) Joomla! extensions do not work together with their solution... Extension developers can choose to also support K2 and EasyBlog, but (believe me) that will highly increase complexity and in the end the support effort.
- Seamlessly 'convert' Articles into Blogs: configure which Joomla! categories (include / exclude) hold your Blog articles. NO conversion!
- Full Front-end Blogmanagement: Give your bloggers a searchable overview of all the blogs (they have access-rights to) including a create new button! Everything they need in one overview!
- Differentiate between regular bloggers and pro-bloggers: Configure which bloggers (via Joomla! user group membership) should have 'pro-blogger' functionality: their avatar and name are linked to a professional Authorprofile page showcasing all their expertise. This gives you the possibility to e.g. differentiate between normal and paying bloggers.
- Integrated Avatar support: currently supports avatars from ochBlog (via Joomla! custom user field > upload and crop images), Kunena, Easy-Profile, Gravatar, CJblog (1.x and 2.x)
- Integrated About text support: currently supports Author about text from ochBlog (via Joomla! custom user field), Kunena (about / signature), Easy-Profile (any field), Gravatar, CJblog (1.x and 2.x)
- Integrated Authorprofile page support: Use the ochBlog build in Authorprofile page or use the Kunena, Easy-Profile, Gravatar, CJblog (1.x and 2.x) profile pages
- Dynamic Article info: Add your bloggers avatar, Social Sharing buttons, Article info (dates, category, reading time, etc), badges for the article based on article hits, article hits, etc. to your article. Fully configurable!
- Credits information: Give proper credits to coauthors, photographer, etc. above or below the article text, customizable via Joomla! Custom Article Fields!
- Dynamic Article Author info: Add your bloggers avatar, Bio text, Author badges (based on number of articles written, unlimited number of badges can be configured). Author about text is displayed for 'pro-bloggers' with a dynamic [read full profile] button when length of the text is above configured parameter. Author Bio text is only displayed for 'pro-bloggers'.
- Dynamic Author badges: Automatically add Author badges based on number of blogs (quantitative) or on influence score (qualitative): unlimited number of badges can be configured and assigned.
- Content Construction: use values from Kunena user profile, Joomla! User profile, Easy-Profile and Joomla! 3.7.x custom User fields to dynamically replace variables with their values.
- Build-in Authors overview page: giving you an overview of all authors based on their group membership and sortable (name, id, number of blogs, random).
- Build-in Authorprofile page: giving you the basic functionality: Background image, avatar, bio (fully configurable with Content Construction), about text and Social Sharing functionality. It also holds two module positions so you can extend the Authorprofile page with (any number) of Joomla! modules!
- RSS feed on Authorprofile page: give your Authors the possibility to integrate their blogs easily on their own platform via a RSS feed of all their articles. Or let visitors subscribe to that feed creating even more engaged visitors.
- Increase Blogger commitment with Notification system: Automatically notify the Blog author when the blog reaches a configured number of hits. Unlimited hit limits can be configured and the email message works with Content Construction so the message can be customized to suit your bloggers need.
- Article list module: Sharing the code base of Joomla's own 'Articles - Category' module this module adds avatar, author and Authorprofile page functionality to the already fully packed functionality!
- Articles list view: The 'swiss-army-knive' when it comes to displaying your authors articles in a list!
- Canonical URL: Set on a per article base the canonical URL via Joomla! Custom Article (URL) field. No more SEO penalties for duplicate content on your articles!
- and more to come....