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jBac jBackend
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2019-10-04
Version 3.8
Developer: selfget
Size 9.09 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 70
Website Demo external

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jBackend gives you all the power of Joomla CMS through an extensible and pluggable set of REST API. With these API you can access to all site's contents and features, and use Joomla as a backend system for smartphone and mobile apps, syndication networks, external websites, and provide web services for any external system. Furthermore jBackend provides a full push notifications platform for iOS and Android mobile apps. It allows to define multiple apps, to register devices for each app, and to schedule push notifications sending on registered devices, filtered by app and platform type.jBackend gives you all the power of Joomla CMS through an extensible and pluggable set of REST API. With these API you can access to all site's contents and features, and use Joomla as a backend system for smartphone and mobile apps, syndication networks, external websites, and provide web services for any external system. Furthermore jBackend provides a full push notifications platform for iOS and Android mobile apps. It allows to define multiple apps, to register devices for each app, and to schedule push notifications sending on registered devices, filtered by app and platform type.

- Extensible through plugins to increase API and support any Joomla extension;
- Support for publishing of multiple endpoints, each with its specific settings;
- Three endpoint access type (free access, user authenticated only, API Key required);
- Tracing requests in the database for each endpoint;
- Selection of jBackend plugins to enable for each endpoint;
- API Key management interface;
- Request log management interface;
- Each API Key can have a max daily requests limit and an expiration date;
- Each API Key can be targeted on separate endpoints;
- Access control is compliant with integrated ACL;
- Support for REST compliant requests;
- JSON format for responses;
- Support for push notifications on iOS (APNs or FCM) and Android (FCM);
- Custom payload for push notifications;
- Scheduled sending of push notifications;
- Push notifications can be create and scheduled via API call;
- Push notifications can be targeted on selected users or groups.

The package includes the jBackend component, that provides the general infrastructure for endpoints, notifications, and plugins support system, and the following plugins:
- User Module: provides support for Joomla users (e.g. login, logout, registration);
- Content Module: provides support for standard Joomla content (e.g. categories and articles);
- Push Module: provides support for push notifications (e.g. register device, send scheduled push).


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