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Advanced Module Manager Pro is an extension that changes the way your Module manager works.
It adds a multitude of functions, like:
★ Many publishing assignments for your modules!
You can control publishing modules by (ALL / ANY):
☆ Menu Item
☆ Homepage
☆ Date range
☆ User Group Levels
☆ Languages
☆ Templates
☆ URLs
☆ Operating Systems
☆ Browsers
☆ Components
☆ Content Page Types
☆ Categories
☆ Articles
☆ Tags
☆ ...and more...
★ You can also choose to mirror the assignment settings of another module!
★ Give modules color labels in the module list for easy searching
★ Option to not show modules that have no output (handy for things like dynamic menus)
More information:
PS: Regular Labs was formerly known as NoNumber