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Everyone who at least time in life is developing its own website repeatedly faced with the problem of realization of design which is not only vivid and memorable, but also completely relevant to the site topic. Plugin JA Typo System elegantly solves this problem.
Extension Description
Now even a novice developer can create a unique design, because all that is needed - basic knowledge about the structure of language HTML. But the simplicity of the plugin JA Typo System absolutely does not impair functionality: you can set the design from the banal buttons and headers, to advanced user interfaces.
From features Joomla extensions, first of all, I want to note the presence of a significant set of fonts that enormously facilitates the work as a professional in the field of calligraphy, and the ordinary designer. Also noteworthy is the possibility of semi-automatic selection of the right design: often only a couple of clicks to apply the desired style to content.
In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the progress in the field of web development. Definitely made a huge work. To date, there is no need to learn multi-page tutorials on CSS to correctly pick a web