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Download Akeeba Ticket System Pro For jo Download Akeeba Ticket System Pro For joomla
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2019-03-24
Updated: 2019-08-02
Version 3.0.3
Developer: akeebabackup
Size 6.86 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 71
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Multiple categories

Take advantage of Joomla!'s powerful nested categories management for your support ticket categories

Canned replies

Tired of typing the same answer over and over? Need a reply template for new support agents? Canned replies to the rescue!

bbCode, WYSIWYG or email

You get to decide how your users will file their tickets. On your site, using bbCode (forum code) or a rich text editor. Or maybe via email? Perhaps a mix of the two? It's all possible.

Time tracking and leaderboards

Have you ever wondered how much your support agents really work? Which ones are loved by your users and which one not so much? Akeeba Ticket System makes it easy to find the answers you were looking for.

Rich email templates

Text only emails are so 1998! Give your users a beautiful, HTML email without having to go to design school. Our email template editor uses Joomla!'s WYSIWYG editor for optimum ease of use.


Have you ever wanted to mass-reply to several similar tickets at once? Put them in a bucket and send out a mass reply. Like a boss.

Private and public tickets

Decide which tickets will be visible to everyone and which ones will be seen only by the support staff and the user who filed them. Per category or per ticket. It's up to you.


Akeeba Ticket System automatically searches public tickets and your documentation (if you use Akeeba DocImport3). It shows the results while your users are still typing out their ticket. It's like mind reading, without the crystal ball. The end result? Fewer tickets to be answered by human agents, more satisfied clients!


Allocate a specific amount of credits per user. Let them use them up per each new ticket and/or ticket reply. The Akeeba Subscriptions integration lets your users top up their credits without manual assistance.


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Is it possible to update this extension?

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