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Created 2022-07-03
Updated: 2023-05-23
Version 1.8
Developer: Ruud van Lent
Size 27.06 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 30
Website Demo external

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Do you ever feel disappointed, or even wronged, when people register on your website or subscribe to your newsletter with a Disposable or temporary E-mail account? When they download your free ‘goodies’ that you worked so hard on and ‘thank’ you with a bouncing email address, leaving you with no possibility to contact them, for support, news, etc.

Do you ever feel bothered by the fact that people using disposable or temporary email accounts are most likely to spam or offend other members of your website, just because they have that ‘invincible’ feeling of being ‘anonymous’ and ‘untraceable’. Do malicious activity, spam bots, and internet trolls come to mind?

Or do you just want to make a statement:

if you don’t trust me with your real e-mail account, why trust me and my services at all...

Time to stop User Registrations and Newsletter Subscriptions with Disposable Mail addresses on your website!

With the ochStopDMR system plugin, you can check every mail domain that a user uses to register on your website or subscribes with on your AcyMailing mailing list.. When a user registers or (configurable) when a user changes his user profile, a request is made to an external API that checks the domain part of the E-mail:

  • to have a valid mx-record in the domain’s DNS record;
  • to have a valid TLD (Top Level Domain): checked against a daily updated Root Zone database;
  • to not be in a 100K+ (and daily growing) maintained Disposable E-mail Domain names database.

Currently detecting well over 100 thousand fake and disposable mail domains!

The system plugin works with the Joomla! (3.9.0 introduced) onUserBeforeSave trigger and will work with all extensions (like Kunena, rd-subscriptions) that use Joomla! Users and follow the Joomla! API / Coding Standards.

NEW in version 0.2.0: Now also works for AcyMailing! Automatically check (and handle) all your newsletter subscribers!

When a user registers or updates his e-mail account to a disposable account the following error will be shown to the user (this is using the default Joomla! core language string (JGLOBAL_EMAIL_DOMAIN_NOT_ALLOWED), so it is available in all (installed) languages!):

The email domain [used black listed domain] is not allowed. Please enter another email address.

Is this Guaranteed, 100% stopping Disposable E-mail registrations?

Unfortunately no. Even with 98 thousand+ disposable domains, the user may find himself ‘lucky’. As with all security measures, this is a ‘cat-and-mouse-game’ where new Disposable E-mail domains are created on an almost daily bases. But there is also a community out there that is scavenging the internet for these (new) domains and when found share them.

What I see in practice is that they try two or three different Disposable domains at most and then just give up and use their real E-mail account.



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