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Given the strong relation between the Joomla! framework and Vik Secure, the extension can be installed starting from Joomla! 3.5.0.
Reports : keep track of the actions performed by the users that try to do something suspicious.
Admin Token : protect your administrator panel behind an additional token form.
Auto-Ban : block brute-force attacks that try to find a valid login to access your Joomla! administrator panel.
Scanner : check if your server has been hacked by detecting unsafe files, fake extensions, big files and so on.
Dashboard : review the number of attacks that your website suffered in the last period.
Login Detection : receive a notification e-mail everytime someone logs into the administrator area using your account.
File System : get a list of the last modified files on your server, manage files and folders.
Whitelist : skip all the security rules for all the IP addresses contained in the Whitelist.
Blacklist : block all the IP addresses contained in the blacklist. They won't be able to access your website.
Allowed Countries : specify the list of countries from which users can access the back-end.