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NEW: Joomla 4, Bootstrap 4 and modern routing
♦ Fully Responsive: Not just looks but also behaves great on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
♦ Front-end & Back-end survey creation: You can create surveys from front-end as well as back-end. Fully control which user group will have permission to create, manage, respond from front-end.
♦ Easy to use: Creation of survey using our advanced Ajax framework
♦ 21 question types
- Page header
- Single selection radio buttons
- Multiple selection check boxes
- Single selection combo boxes
- Multi row - Multi Column Radio Buttons Grid
- Multi row - Multi Column Checkboxes Grid
- Net Promoter Score
- Drag & Drop Ratings
- Sliders
- Star Ratings
- Single row free text
- Multi row text area
- Password
- Rich text box
- Select one image (radio)
- Select multiple images (checkbox)
- Name
- Signature
- Calendar
- Address.
♦ Conditional Rules: Fully control the flow of response based on user input.
- When the user selected specified answer then; A) Go to another page B) Show another question on same page or C) Finish survey
- When the user do not select specified answer then; A) Go to another page B) Show another question on same page or C) Finish survey
- When the user select any of the answers to a question, show specified page or finish survey
- When the user do not select any of the answers to a question, show specified page or finish survey
♦ Export Reports: PDF and CSV Download of reports
♦ Access Restriction: Allow any user group to create and manage Surveys. Start your own survey business. Create and manage surveys from front-end.
♦ Multiple invitation types - select registered users, a Joomla user group, JomSocial user group, Acymailing lists or custom contact groups. Or you can send unique survey URLs manually through your favorite mail client.
♦ Contact Groups: Manage all your contacts by uploading through CSV or enter manually. Add them to multiple contact groups and invite each group at once.
♦ Integrated multilevel category system to categorize all public surveys
♦ Restrict the number of survey invitations using Points System. Integrated with CjForum, CjBlog, Alpha User Points, EasySocial and JomSocial Points
♦ Reports and charts - geo chart, daily responses chart, multi-search enabled responses list report, location report and device report
♦ Ability to take surveys with or without your Joomla template (full page mode).
♦ Avatars - Gravatar, CjForum, CjBlog, JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, Kunena & Alpha User Points
♦ Public Surveys and Private Surveys - Public Surveys allow anyone to take surveys. Private surveys allow you to track who does what.
♦ Redirection: You can redirect users to a custom URL, consolidated report or even display a custom message after a user completes survey response.
♦ Survey Form Module & Results module: Display survey in any module position or article