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Hot Spinner is Joomla module that rotates images around a circle in 3D. In the center of the circle, there’s an info box that shows relevant content for each image in the rotation. You can also control rotation with mouse moves. This Flash-like software is 100% based on jQuery (no Flash needed).
- Load jQuery: Select whether to load jQuery library or not. If your template already loads it, you may disable this to avoid possible javascript errors.
- Image Encoding: Select whether to encode images or not.
- Module Width/Height: Enter module width/height in pixels (in demo 960).
- Background Color: Module’s background color
- Static Image Width: Enter value in pixels (in example 60).
- Static Image Position: Select image position left or right.
- Info Box Width/Height: Enter value in pixels (in example 380).
- Rotation Direction: Select clockwise or counter-clockwise.