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Team contacts module load team members from Joomla! Contacts core component. With many styles available, it gives the opportunity to display contact names, photo, position, email addresses and all contact details added in each contact item form. It is only joomla 4 compatible.
Contact settings
- Category
- Tags
- Sort Order
- Name (Yes/No)
- Show last name first? (Yes/No)
- Link name to full contact (Yes/No)
- Contact's Position (Yes/No)
- Street Address (Yes/No)
- City or Suburb (Yes/No)
- State or County (Yes/No)
- Postal Code (Yes/No)
- Show postal code first? (Yes/No)
- Country (Yes/No)
- Miscellaneous Information (Yes/No)
- Custom Fields (Yes/No)
- Category (Yes/No)
- Telephone (Yes/No)
- Telephone Icon (Yes/No)
- Link Telephone (Yes/No)
- Mobile Phone (Yes/No)
- Mobile Phone Icon (Yes/No)
- Link Mobile Phone (Yes/No)
- Fax (Yes/No)
- Fax Icon (Yes/No)
- Email (Yes/No)
- Email Icon (Yes/No)
- Webpage (Yes/No)
- Webpage Icon (Yes/No)
- Image (Yes/No)
General settings
- Version (Team / Team1 / Team3 / Team4 / Team9 / Team12)
- Style (Yes/No)
- Item disatance
- Load fontawesome (Yes/No)
- Load jquery (Yes/No)
- Version ( Standard / Carousel )
Carousel Settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten
- Sliding Time
- Sliding Speed
- Auto play (Yes/No)
- Loop (Yes/No)
- Show arrows (Yes/No)
- Arrows style (top/bottom/center)
- Item distance
- Show next previous items (Yes/No)
Standard settings
- Items - one to ten
- Items (Tab Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Tab Portrait) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Landscape) - one to ten
- Items (Mob Portrait) - one to ten