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- powerful selection of articles/K2, including categories, keywords, tags, author and date range
- preview unauthorized items, show related items (through keywords or tags matching),
- order items multiple ways (by date, popularity, title, console order, randomly, by category, by author),
- extend the module with additional data sources (available: news feeds),
- layout items with article's images, media custom field, SYW Icon custom field, K2 image extra field, author's picture, calendar representation, video, title, text introduction and detailed information,
- link items, url custom field or K2 link extra field, add 'read more' buttons (Bootstrap compatible),
- style items in responsive-ready layout designs,
- create high-resolution thumbnails for devices with high pixel ratio (like retina screens),
- show items to targeted user groups with highly detailed and overridable information (author, hits, ratings, categories, date, keywords, tags, links, social media sharing, comments count, K2 extra fields, Joomla 3.7 custom fields...),
- add jQuery pagination and/or touch-ready animations,
- cache thumbnails, on-the-fly stylesheets and scripts for faster loading,
- add module instances inside articles, after a set number of paragraphs,
- ...
Menu Item Blog Views:
- configure leading items differently from the remaining items,
- use efficient Joomla-style pagination or infinite scrolling,
- index items by categories and/or tags.