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redSHOP redSHOP Pro
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2020-02-28
Updated: 2021-07-03
Version 3.0.1
Developer: redcomponent
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 62
Website Demo external

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So what is redSHOP? redSHOP is a Content Creation Kit style of webshop / webshop tool where you got the most access ever given to any user to completely style around and change their webshop, without a lot more knowledge then HTML and a bit of CSS.

•100% MVC - Perhaps the most amount of menu items available in Joomla History!
•Unlimited products
•Unlimited categories
•Unlimited manufacturers
•Unlimited filtering, specified per category
•22 Different image sizes on the fly from config settings
•Image AI system for flipping X and Y coordinates on higher than wider images
•Internal Template system - Rewrite almost any screen using templates
•Dynamic Fields - Create new fields for products, categories or manufacturers on the fly
•Complete tagging system - Insert new fields into templates using tags
•Text library system
•Prices, Sale Prices, Volume Prices, Shopper Group Prices
•Related products
•Accessory products - Group products by primary product and make special prices
•Virtual Attribute system with visual navigation and option to upload pictures per attribute and set price adjustment per attribute or sub-attribute (including product sku and stockroom)
•Parent / Child product relations
•100% Built in SEO/SEF control (using sh404sef)
•Shoppergroups - B2B Portal system
•Shoppergroup prices - all through redSHOP
•Shoppergroup ACL - Control access to specific categories for B2B Customers
•ACTION EMAILS - Send up to 3 emails on each sale all automated
•Order Catalog feature with action emails
•Product sample feature with action emails
•Vouchers - Create vouchers with option of selecting a specific product and if you want free shipping or not
•Coupons - Create discount coupons for users or globally


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