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CMCouponListing component gives you ability to setup a coupon listing site, where stores or merchants can register and submit their discount offers like coupon code, coupon image, discount activation link, affiliate link; this helps them promote their trademarks, promote their services and earn more sales.
Additional extensions:
- CMCouponListing Category List module: a module lists all categories.
- CMCouponListing Featured Merchants module: a module shows random featured merchants.
- CMCouponListing Search module: a module displays a search form.
- CMCouponListing Merchant plug-in: a plug-in for integration with Akeeba Subscription component, a merchant is automatically created in CMCouponListing when user subscribes a subscription in Akeeba Subscription component. Merchant is inactive when subscription expires.
- CMCouponListing Tag plug-in: a tag plug-in for ACYMailling, this helps you insert many coupons from a specific category into ACYMailing's newsletter automatically.
Main features:
- 2 layouts: non-responsive and responsive (Bootstrap 2).
- Menu item for listing all coupons, coupons in specific categories.
- Menu item for listing all categories and merchants in them.
- Menu item for listing all merchants.
- Menu item for search page.
- Coupons from featured merchants or featured coupons can be displayed on the top of coupon list.
- Merchant's management area, where merchant edits profile and manages coupons.
- Integrate with Akeeba Subscription, only active merchant can access management area, when merchant's subscription expires his/her account is deactivated so he/she can't access this area any more, unless he/she extends the subscription in Akeeba Subscription.
- Merchant can upload his/her own logo image.
- Merchant can create, edit and delete his/her own coupons.
- Registration form for user to sign up as a merchant.
- Facebook, Twitter and Google+ sharing for coupon and merchant.
- Coupon detail page.
- Support Joomla!'s access control. Coupon can be configured to available to a specific user group, this give you ability to deliver special coupons to special users, for example, users who pay for monthly fee to have access to special offers.
- Merchant registration settings inherit from Users component's settings.
- Merchant logo upload settings inherit from Media component's settings.
- User feedback for working coupon and not working coupon.
- Ask user for how much user saves (for example $50, 10€) and what user purchases if coupon works.
- Ask user for the reason why coupon doesn't work.
- User can post comment for coupon.
- Manage category, merchant, coupon.
- Manage where coupon images and logo images are stored.
- Enable or disable Facebook, Twitter and Google+ buttons.
- Enable or disable coupon detail page.
- Control where users can get offers, in coupon listing page or in coupon detail page.
- Manage users's votes.
- Manage users's comments.
- Ability to setup custom reasons for not working coupons.
- Ability to setup currencies for asking how much user saves.