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RD-Autos is a component for small Garages and Auto Sellers (Single Dealer)! We have also a version (PRO) that can handle adds from several dealers! You can have sellers on your site paying you for their add!
Managing vehicles in your own website was never so easy! Click, Configure and GO!! (It is also easy for non Joomla users!!)
- Managing (unlimited) vehicle makes.
- Managing unlimited models (related to a make)
- Import makes and models (CSV)
- We offer you a makes and models package also
- Featured cars/vehicles on top of list.
- Uploading images.(UNLIMITED)
- Resizing images. (GD2 required)
- Hitcounter per car!
- Special prices to logged in users.
- Edit and Add/Apply vehicles
- Managing 1 PDF file per vehicle. (Need to create it your self)
- Lightbox images in your own format
- Multi Language Component
- Send to friend Function
- Enquiry Function to dealer
- Category Pages with description
- Lots of Configuration
- SEF Url's based on Joomla Route System
- VIN & Stock Numbers in Front and Backend
- Human Tests Before submitting Enquiry or Send To Friend
- Advanced search pages with clean results.
- Makes and model Import System
- APK & Bovag and NAP Guarantee for dutch users.
- All Emails Are sent in HTML formats, can be changed by admin
- Several Prices and formats available
- Improved Search in backend
- Ordering vehicles like you want as set in the backend.
- Full Inventory Pages (All vehicles in one page)
- Metakeys & Description to vehicles
- Configurable dropdown menu's at category page.
- YouTube Support in Lightbox
- PDF Crowed Support for online PDF Creating
- ACL Levels added in management/administration
- Native Captcha (no plugins required)
- Unlimited Vehicle Options by Checkboxes and manager
- Sold Vehicle Categories
- Vehicles can be posted in several categories at once.
- Multiple image uploader has been added in v3.0.1
- Completely Responsive (Bootstrap) (v3.2.3)
- Fully Multi Lingual
- Part Selling the easy way!