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Show a cookie alert for your visitors accoring to the European Union legislation. This is simple to use and can be styled in various designs.
Multiple positions
You can show the alert on the top or on the bottom of the page, and also make it sticky.
Custom read more link
Choose between an article and a custom url to put on your readmore button.
Read more attributes
There are additional options where you can set the "rel" attribute and set an anchor tag (useful for one page websites).
Custom duration
After the message has been accepted by the visitor, it will not shown anymore during 365 days. You can set your own value here for the cookie lifetime.
Advanced options
Use the styling interface to create the look and design of your message. You can set the colors, margins, etc on any element like the bar, the text, and also the buttons. If you want to speed up your work you can also use one of the presets to give a fresh look to your cookie alert in one click.
Choose a menu item for the read more link and use the menu associations to redirect your visitor to the correct page according to the language of the page.
EU law respectful
The EU regulation about cookies says that you don't have the right to store cookies until the user accept it. This is exactly what Cookies CK does. No need to complex configuration, all the cookies except the session and the Cookies CK cookies are blocked and only stored when the user accept to do so.
User choice
Let your user update his choice at any time. The small cookie icon in the bottom left corner allows the user to update the choice about the cookies acceptance. Just click on the icon to update the decision