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List of SP Movie database features:
- Insert unlimited number of entries, especially movies
- Detail view for each movie with useful information
- Trailers for each movie (ajax video system/searchable)
- Alphabetical list of movies with different order options
- Use your own genres for content categorizing
- Rating and Review System
- Purchase URL for each presented movie
- Celebrities Manager
- Actor/Director Profile also with his filmography
- Movie Showtime’s (Theatre Name, Location, Time, Ticket URL)
- Amazing Media Manager
- 5 modules included: ajax movie search, to display movies trailers, celebrities list. Also to display movies in various tabs, carousel movie listing, and to present Coming Soon, Top Rated or Latest.
- Multi-language support
- Extension as a database manager can be also used for TV shows, animations, games, video advertising, audiobooks or other entertainment areas.
SP Movie Database v1.3
- Joomla 3.7 Compatibility added
SP Movie Database v1.2
- Movies and Celebrities cache system.
- All Known Bug
SP Movie Database v1.1
- Genre System Added.
- Sp Moviedb Search Module Update (Thumb, Genre).
- Compatible Joomla update version
- All Known Bug Fixed.
SP Movie Database v1.0
- Initial Release