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WooCommerce One Page Shopping
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WooCommerce One Page Shopping
File Details
Created 2024-11-12
Version 2.9.1
Developer: optart
Size 93.58 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 0
Website Demo external

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WooCommerce One Page Shopping is an e-store extension that allows for faster checkout than ever before. One Page Shopping will allow users to complete the checkout process without spending time moving to a separate checkout page. After the user adds an item to their cart, the checkout fields appear at the bottom of the same page, allowing the user to complete the purchase process right then and there. Advanced plugin settings allow to show combinations of cart and checkout on the shop page, category pages and product pages based on user preferences.

Improved compatibility with other WooCommerce plugins

 The page is divided into three sections: Product settings , Shop page settings and Category settings. Each of them contains fields which allow to set if the cart or checkout are displayed on appropriate pages. Moreover, a user can decide about the scope of the plugin in Product and Category settings.

 The page is divided into three sections: Product settings , Shop page settings and Category settings. Each of them contains fields which allow to set if the cart or checkout are displayed on appropriate pages.

 The One Page Shopping plugin should work right away in its basic mode. No need for a time consuming set-up.

The (Woocommerce -> One Page Shopping) page extends plugin settings.

The page is divided into three sections: Product settings , Shop page settings and Category settings. Each of them contains fields which allow to set if the cart or checkout are displayed on appropriate pages. Moreover, a user can decide about the scope of the plugin in Product and Category settings.

Fixed products – decide separately for each product in Edit Product -> One Page Shopping

Fixed category – decide separately for each category in Edit Product Category -> Display cart / Display checkout



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