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Product Retailers for WooCommerce
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Product Retailers for WooCommerce
File Details
Created 2024-09-12
Version 1.18.1
Developer: SkyVerge
Size 1.62 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 1
Website Demo external

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Allow customers to purchase external products directly on your site, or from a selection of retailers.

    Setup retailers/distributors and assign them products
    Set a unique link for each retailer/distributor globally or on a per-product basis
    List multiple retailers for each product
    Customize the text for the “Purchase” button
    Optionally make a product purchasable only from the retailer/distributor
    Use buttons or a drop-down menu to show available retailers NEW
    Option to show retailers only if the product is out of stock NEW

External / Affiliate products are a great feature of WooCommerce, but they have one major limitation: you can’t sell a product yourself and link to the same product on a retailer or distributor’s website. This extension removes that limitation, and also allows you to list multiple retailers rather than one affiliate link.

Easily setup retailers or distributors for products in your store, including a URL to their website, then assign them to individual products. Customers can then purchase the item directly on your store, or they can visit the retailer or distributor’s website to purchase.

Perfect for products sold through multiple sales channels, such as a book available directly on-site, through Amazon, for Kindle, and Nook.

Easily Add Retailers / Distributors

Add your retailers or distributors quickly and then assign them a default link. After they’ve been added, you can assign them to products and set a unique URL per product. This is useful to link the product directly to the related product on the retailer’s / distributor’s website.



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