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WhatsApp Chat (WP Social Chat) for WordPress
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WhatsApp Chat WP Social Chat for WordPress
File Details
Created 2024-10-02
Version 7.3.4
Developer: Quadlayers
Size 475.24 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 3
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Do you want to improve your customer service? Social Chat allows your users to start a conversation from your website directly to your WhatsApp phone number with one click.

Multiple team member accounts

Social Chat allows you to include unlimited agent accounts with their names and labels to provide users with direct contact with the different support areas of your site.

Chatbox interface for each agent

With Social Chat for WordPress, you can include a chatbox for each agent where users can type their first message directly to the WhatsApp number.

When your visitors click the send button, they will be redirected to the WhatsApp web or app depending on the device they’re using.

Customize colors and layout settings

Modify the colors to match your site's look and feel and customize the text to display your users' language through the WordPress live customizer interface.

40+ custom icons

Social Chat allows you to choose between 40+ icons to include in your contact button.

More Features

Easily add WhatsApp button on your website, make your website visitors easy to contact you via WhatsApp!

GDPR compliance

Social Chat is totally GDPR compliant as it doesn't store any personal data.
Button placement

Choose where you want to display the WhatsApp redirect button.
Button availability time

Select button availability hours based on a custom timezone.

WPML compatible

If your site is in multi-languages, you can set the text in each of those languages via WPML string translation module.
Page targeting

You can show the WhatsApp button at the homepage, specific posts, categories, or pages.
Button appearance

Choose a cool circular or a formal rectangle WhatsApp button.


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