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K2 RSS Feed, VirtueMart RSS Feed, DocMan RSS Feed, FLEXIcontent RSS Feed, ZOO RSS Feed... all in one place just like popular RSS Feed in News Portal sites (CNN, CNET, BBC, Reuters)
What obRSS can do?
- Create unlimited Feeds (or even HTML feed page) for your Joomla site.
- Available Feed formats: RSS 2.0, RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0, ATOM, ATOM 0.3, HTML, JSON, SITEMAP.
- SITE MAP Feed output is in Google Sitemap Index format.
- JSON Feed output can be used for creating iOS, Android apps (with online app makers). JSON Feed is a great way to feed data for your iOS, Android app.
- Auto create RSS feed(s) on the RSS icon inside the address bar on the browser.
- Manage and display all RSS Feeds in ONE place.
- Included NON-Front-Page articles in the feed.
- Feedburner integration.
- Able to create PODCAST (depends on add-on).
- Able to create Enclosure tag, additional element, additional markup for the feed (depends on add-on).
- Strip tags.
- Randomize the RSS Feeds.
- Make RSS page on the frontend looks like CNET, CNN, BBC.
- Create multiple menu to RSS Syndicate Page with multilingual support.
- Add-on support (weblinks, contacts, banners, polls, VirtueMart, FLEXIcontent, Kunena, K2, DocMan, ZOO, redSHOP, HikaShop ...). Note: VirtueMart, ZOO, FLEXIcontent, Kunena, K2, DocMan, redSHOP, HikaShop... add-ons don't include in this package.
- Merge RSS sources: Merge two or more RSS sources (internal or external source) into one feed. This feature requires "RSS Merge" add-on.