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Provide in your website custom Slideshare embeds. Choose between displaying the presentation aside a description text or separation by tabs, which is ideal for when you have more than one presentation about a same subject.
Tab Navigation
Group presentations from same subject by choosing the tab navigation option.
Start with a ready to use theme that most adapts to your needs.
Obtain great results in mobile and desktop with settings by screen resolution.
Unlimited items
Do more in your site creating as many records as you want.
Infinite possibilities
Customize the layout editing fonts, colors, backgrounds, spacings and much more.
Constant updates
Get access to the release of new themes and resources.
Performance and security
Use an extension developed and tested within performance and security requirements.
SEO and acessibility
Make use of scripts developed and tested to be accessible and optimized to search engines.
Qualified support
Be served by a support team with more than ten years experience in Joomla.
And much more!
Set touch screen options, gradient colors, auto play, image filters, among others.