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Interlinks Manager
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Interlinks Manager
File Details
Created 2024-05-12
Updated: 2024-05-13
Version 1.35
Developer: DAEXT
Author Azrolan
Downloads 2
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One of the most important SEO strategy is to build a smart and effective internal links structure, with an optimized number of internal links for each post, that are at the same time relevant for the search engines and natural for the readers.

The Interlinks Manager plugin provides you a series of tools that helps you develop this structure, so you can increase your website visits, sell more products or convert more users.

Inside the Dashboard menu, with regular expressions applied to your posts, and by tracking the users clicks, this plugin is able to retrieve information such as the number of manual internal links, the number of auto internal links, the number of visits generated with your internal links, the optimization status and more.

With these information at your disposal will be easy for you to add or remove internal links when needed, and always keep an optimized number of internal links in every post.
Calculate the link juice

The Juice menu gives you information about the flow of link juice on the URLs of your website, and provides, for each URL, a detailed list of all the single links that contribute to generate the overall link juice.
Get interlinks suggestions

The Interlinks Suggestions meta box is a tool that helps you find articles related with the post being edited. By taking advantage of this algorithm you can save the time normally spent manually looking for new appropriate internal links.

The algorithm considers several factors, and is able to give priority to specific posts when their titles include a word that are also present in the post being edited, or to give priority, include or exclude posts that belongs to specific categories, tags or custom post types.

The exact behavior of the algorithm used to retrieve suggestions can be modified through the plugin options, so you can enhance its precision and make it perfect for your specific situation.
Create auto interlinks

With the AIL ( auto internal links ) menu you are able convert specific keywords or phrases to internal links. This feature can be especially useful in the following situations.
A Wiki Knowledge Base for your blog

Let’s say that you have a blog that talks about search engines optimization and you want to convert each term that is part of your glossary of SEO terms in a link to the post with the definition of the term. To achieve this simply start by adding a new keyword or phrase ( that in this case corresponds to a SEO term of your glossary ) and the URL path that should be used as a destination, repeat the process for all your SEO terms and you are ready to go.
Automatic links to the pages where you are selling products

In a situation where you have a large amount of posts at your disposal and you need more visitors on the pages where you are selling products ( or converting users ), you could, for example, decide to convert to a link each keyword or phrase related to the pages where your selling products. A good selection of keywords and phrases would be for example composed by “our products”, “premium area”, “my book”, “get the book”, “our custom t-shirt”, “our supplements”, “the newsletter”, etc.

Automatic internal links to your best articles

If you are for example a server administrator, and you want to increase the importance of your best articles, you can use automatic links to convert phrases like “configure a server”, “CentOS guide”, “learn server administration”, “Windows Server”, etc. and point the keyword to the actual articles.

Common concerns with links automatically generated are that you don’t want to:

  • Accidentally create too many auto internal links
  • Generate problems with your website SEO
  • Annoy your visitors

So I have included options that allow you to have under control the application of your auto internal links:

  • Custom keywords or phrases boundaries to avoid accidental applications of your autolinks
  • Selection of post types where the autolinks should be applied
  • Maximum number of conversion of a single keyword in a single post
  • Maximum number of conversions of all the keywords in a single post
  • Case sensitive or insensitive match ( selectable for each keyword )
  • Open the link in a new browser tab ( selectable for each keyword )
  • Application of the rel=”nofollow” ( selectable for each keyword )
  • Priority of the substitution of the keywords ( this ensure that the most important keywords are always converted when the defined maximum number of conversions of the keywords would prevent this to happen, this option is also useful to determine which keywords/phrases should be converted first if for example a post includes a phrase that should be converted, but that phrase also includes keywords that should be converted )
  • A customizable list of protected tags, useful to avoid accidental substitutions of keywords inside specific tags
  • A test mode that allows you to create autolinks and get statistics without actually apply them when the blog is read by normal visitors and search engines, so you can actually activate the autolinks to the public only when you are satisfied with the private result

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