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JS Contact Form module allows you to easily place a self-contained Ajax Contact Form on your Joomla! website. It uses just 1 file to Validate, Process and Send the completed contact form to your e-mail address and best of all, does not reload the page to validate or send the form!
AJAX backend (no page reloads!) Save your bandwidth!
Mobile friendly!
Popup or slider style.
CSS animations.
Pretty select boxes
Very easy to installation and configuration.
All languages support.
All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need.
Anti spam, Google reCAPTCHA capable (no-captcha-recaptcha), honeypot backup
Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack prevention
Only 1 main option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.
Integrated Animated Sliding Thank You / Success page.
Integrated AJAX JS Sliding Error Messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.