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Formidable Forms – Geolocation Add-on
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Formidable Forms Geolocation Add-on
File Details
Created 2024-11-30
Version 1.3.3
Developer: Formidableforms
Size 47.23 KB
Author Azrolan
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The Formidable Geolocation plugin brings ease, sophistication, and appeal to any website with powerful features, impressive flexibility, and unlimited possibilities.

This Google Maps Geolocation plugin allows for address autofill and the visual display of Google Maps in any Formidable Form. Reduce cart abandonment, speed up the check-out process, improve address accuracy on eCommerce forms, and boost conversion rates today!

Powerful Geolocation Features
Google Maps

Formidable’s Geolocation plugin syncs any form on your WordPress website up with Google Maps. This allows for accurate address data and visually appealing maps on any form that asks for an address.
Current Location

Automatically display the user’s current location on a Google Map in any form.
Single Location

Allow the user to change the location on a form as they type in their address with address autofill.
Address Autocomplete

Use Google Map’s address autocomplete to finish an address as the user types it in to ensure valid addresses and improve conformity for more accurate shipping.

Add the Geolocation address autocomplete feature to any eCommerce checkout form to ensure correct address input, speed up the check-out process, and reduce cart abandonment.

Extra WP Geolocation Plugin Features with Formidable Forms
Anti-Spam Protection

With Formidable Form’s robust features, you can be certain your geolocation forms have the best anti-spam protection to keep your databases safe and secure.
Forms Builder

Formidable Forms is a premier drag and drop form builder. That means you can add geolocation and address autocomplete to any type of form, including eCommerce forms, conditional logic forms, signup forms, and more!
Theme Flexibility

Use Formidable’s extensive form builder plugin to create any form you can dream up and match it to your WordPress theme! With unlimited customization, it’s easy to make Formidable’s Google Maps Geolocation plugin looks sleek and sophisticated on any website.
Developer Friendly

Add Geolocation features to any form with a simple download and a click of a button. You don’t need to be a developer or programmer to use the Geolocation feature, but if you have coding chops, customizations are endless.


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