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Event Booking Pro is a great plugin for booking purposes. It accepts online payment via PayPal and does have offline booking system too. You can create unlimited events with the plugin and it also has support for WPML. It has coupon and gift cards integration too. It has inbuilt shortcodes which can be used anywhere on the website to call the booking functions. It comes with many easy to customize options to integrate the booking system flawlessly into your website.
- Unlimited Events
- PayPal Integration
- Offline Booking
- Supports extra gateways
- Multiple Bookings
- Coupon Integration
- Gift playing cards Integration
- Event Categories
- Multiple occurrences because of same event
- Multiple Tickets
- Sub tickets: Adults, children, etc…
- Google Maps
- Tax
- Responsive Calendar Shortcode: four modes
- Lazy Load Calendar Shortcode
- Responsive resultant Box shortcode
- Responsive resultant Card shotcode
- Responsive outgrowth Button shortcode
- Responsive Weekly calendar Shortcode: addon
- Responsive ByDay calendar Shortcode: addon
- Mobile study lower back reserving page
- List Events based totally regarding filters (eventBoxes then eventCards)
- Shortcode generation
- AJAX Control Panel together with 500+ Settings
- User friendly event creation
- Visual stability Editor
- Sandbox integration
- Offline booking structure customization
- CSV Integration
- Add in imitation of Google Calendar
- Every thing is customizable, from text ,color,size,padding,borders,border radius yet a good deal more.
- Email Support
- Booker receives an email
- Owner (admin) receives e mail over booking
- All emails are customizable
- Pre/Post emails (Emails Addon)
- Cancel event emails (Emails Addon)
- Cancel incidence emails (Emails Addon)