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JoomVideos is a powerful videos sharing component for Joomla!, support uploading videos from PC or online websites like youtube, vimeo, dailymotion and more. Turn your website to an online videos sharing platform like youtube or add and manage your videos in your website easily.
Note: Video Processing feature works only in VPS or dedicated servers not in shared web hosting.
Video Features:
- Automatic or manual video processing (for VPS / Dedicated Server only)
- Like and Dislike videos
- Video views counter
- Feature or unfeature
- Joomla custom fields integration
- Tags
- Comments (Komento, Disqus, jComment, Facebook Comments)
- Sharing buttons
- Embed Code
- Reporting
- Add to playlists
- Add to channel
- Protect videos files from download
- Multi Players support (VideoJS, Flow Player, JW Player, MP4 Player)
Player Features (Video.JS) :
- Responsive HTML5 Video Player
- Cross-browser support
- Ability to watch video in full-screen
- Support Youtube and Vimeo
- Thumbnails support
- Show related videos
- Hotkeys
- PreRoll advertisement (Simpe PreRoll, Google IMA, VAST)
- Support video in different resolutions
- Manual Play or Auto-play
- Show / Hide Poster
- Sharing buttons
- Loop Video
Upload Features:
- Upload videos from PC
- Remote Upload videos from Direct Video Link, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Blip, Metacafe, Extreme, Sproutvideo, Veoh, Vevo, Videofoxnews, Vine, Wat and more...
- Drag and Drop upload
- Choose allowed videos types
Channel Features:
- Multiple Channels
- Subscribe / Unsubscribe
- Gird or list view
- Add Channel Banner
- Add Channel Thumbnail
- Joomla custom fields integration
Playlist Features:
- Easy video assignment to playlists
- Grid or list view
- Playlist integrated with video player
- Add Playlist Thumbnail
- Joomla custom fields integration
- Feature or Unfeature
- Like or dislike
Other features:
- Multi-category
- Multi-language
- Joomla Access Level support
- Search and smart search support
- Alias and Metadata
- Joomla! SEF URLs
- Bootstrap 2 and 3 support
- Open Graph Protocol
- Direct Embed Code
- Server Bulk Import
- Easy-to-use
- Videos Module (List or carousel)
- Slideshow with thumbnails
- Open Video in modal view
- Joomla auto update system
- Homepage View
- Migration from other 3rd party extensions (HWDMediaShare, Contus HDVideoShare, Jom WebPlayer, HD WebPlayer, ALLVideoShare, XMovie, VideoFlow, HD FLV Player, Yendif Video Share)
- Backup and restore
- and many more ....
Last Update
1.4.10 (14/07/2020)
New Features
- Ability to remove Ids from SEF Url of video, playlist, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Ability to order categories and subcategories by title and ordering [Categories/Category view]
- New tool that let you update non secure thumb links [Maintenance View]
- Ability to show/hide preview and subscription buttons [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to change number of preview videos to display [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to show/hide total videos [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to show only featured preview videos [Channel Card layouts]
- Ability to change preview videos order [Channel Card layouts]
- Show only featured channels was not working [Channels Module]
- All views now use unique classes
- View header now use JLayout for better reuse [All views]
- Backend Dashboard UI/UX improved [Dashboard view]
- Backend Widgets now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard view]
- Use default subcategories columns if category top redirected to categories
- New sidebar link "Requirements Checker" added
- Hide footer if buttons disabled [Channel Card Layout]
- Disable preview button if channel has no videos
- Lookup for itemId also in category, categories and home views [Route helper]
- Support of - in seo view name [Router]
- Get item id from home view if other views not added in menu item type [Route Helper]
- Random videos order was not working [Category view]
- Custom fields filtering was not working correctly
- Missed div closing tag [Categories module]
- Select user modal was not working
- Other custom fields doesn't display if there is an empty field [Custom fields Layouts]
- Missed JRoute on Videos link [Channels Module]
- Grid Switch default value not recognized sometimes
- Featured only option was not working [Channels Module]
- Duplicate entry when adding a new channel and custom fields enabled [Channel Form]
- Featured only option was not working [Channels Module]
- Preview Button sometimes doesn't work in some templates [Channel Card Layout]
- Show card footer only if date and hits can be displayed [Video Card Layout]
- Hide custom fields block if is empty
- Apply default channel doesn't work properly [Manage channels list]
- Fatal error when saving an item and global filtering is enabled [All Forms]
- Duplicate entry when cf is enabled
1.4.9 (18/06/2020)
New Features
- Ability to remove Ids from SEF Url of video, playlist, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Ability to change customize view name in SEF Url of video, category, channel [Routing] [SEF] [Config]
- Maintenance Tools [Backend]
- Unique alias generation when add a new video, playlist, category, channel
- Check if alias already exist before saving when saving video, playlist, category, channel
- Check button UI more visible [Addto palylist layout]
- JHtml script/stylesheet instead of JDocument for loading bootstrap files
- get thumb path function improved [Core]
- Root category now use Joomla menu item metadata [Category view]
- Update 3rd party integration on postflight [Installation]
- JTable bind and check missed when saving an existing video [Videos Controller]
- PHP Warning when default channel don't have a thumb [Dashboard]
- Player breaks when there is quotes in introtext and sharing buttons enabled [VideoJS]
- Wrong default listing style of uploads or playlists [Channel view]
- playlist order was not working [Addto playlist Layout]
- New playlist not automatically added to the list [Addto palylist layout]
- PHP Warnings when creating playlist from video [Core Controller]
- Simple select for channel instead of modal
- set default channel was not working well [Channels list]
- all forms filtering was not working
- Custom fields data filtering was not working
- Global filtering was not working [Editor]
- special characters not decoded in title and description metadata [Video view]
- PHP Wrong constant [Installation script]
- Commented videos not recognized [Komento Integration]
- Wrong video link [Komento Integration]
- color override param removed cuz no more used [Config]
- Fatal error if categories view called without Itemid [Categories view]
- Fatal error when migrating videos from Yendif Videos Share [Migration]
1.4.8 (07/05/2020)
New Features
- Ability to allow user groups to download video [Video View] [ACL]
- Ability to change categories order by title and order [Categories module]
- Hide unpublished from category select option in frontend, and in backend display between barackets [Categories Select]
- Button edit was added and can be seen only by video owner [Video view]
- Always make sure jQuery loaded before bootstrap [Entry point]
- FLV support removed [All players]
- Empty source files not skipped [All players]
- No more multiple identical id value for modals [Modals] [Buttons Bar layout]
- Missed JText of tag type video [Tags integration]
- Hide completely files tab for normal users [Video Edit] [Frontend]
- Excluding access levels now reversed to Including [Access Levels Select]
- Standardized convention naming for ids and classes attributes values [All modules]
- Playlist access select now support include levels param from config [Video View] [Add to playlist modal]
- Add to playlist modal UI/UX improved [Video View]
- Add to playlist modal use JLayout for better reue and better code organization [Video View]
- Load modal and icon assets only if enabled in param [Category view] [Videos module]
- Load iziModal assets only when used in some layouts
- Search in description was not working [Category view] [Built-in videos search]
- Problem in like dislike count [Video view]
- Removed some non useful code [Plugin System]
- Wrong default PHP path variable when OS is Windows [Processing]
- Video thumb size params in category menu was not working [Category view] [Video Layout]
- Metadata set from menu item type categories doesn't work [Categories View]
- Removed non used property $bsversion [All views]
- Show video channel missed [Featured videos module]
- Show channel label param was removed cuz not used anymore [Videos module]
- Column ordering was not working [Backend] [Videos List]
- Add to modal always empty [Video view] [Add to playlist modal]
- Fatal error when creating a new playlist [Video View]
- PHP warning of channel URL [Video card layout]
1.4.7 (27/04/2020)
New Features
- Ability to set tool id of addthis [Config] [Player Tab]
- Ability to show subcategories in BS List group layout [Categories module]
- Ability to change categories number per page [Config] [Tab Layout]
- Support of render classes in custom fields [Custom fields Layout]
- Ability to exclude access level views from access select [Edit form]
- CURL processing with secret key [Processing]
- Change maximum process to execute per call [Processing]
- Ability to change Auto run mode to direct or CLI [Processing]
- Can feature video action [ACL]
- Edit button [Video card layouts]
- Ability to test CLI true exec PHP function [Requirements] [Backend]
- Player tab organized [Config]
- UI of items listing videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Quick navigation buttons now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard]
- Broken pagination in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Edit layouts UI improved [Edit forms]
- Recent added items chart now use ChartJS library instead of Google Chart [Dashboard]
- Recent added items chart now use JLayout for better reuse [Dashboard]
- Display messages when processes executed in CLI and direct mode [Processing]
- Options organization in tab processing [Config]
- Play icon overlap in card layout [Categories layouts]
- Sometimes when uploading multiple files and search finder plugin enabled [Core] [Upload]
- Some non used ids removed from html code [Playlist layout] [Video Layout]
- Wrong SEF videos links [Search Plugin]
- Missed JText constants [Videos List] [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Wrong icons in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Missed params property in videos/channels/playlists list [Dashboard] [Frontend]
- Broken links in linked videos modal [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- No need to load Addthis if show buttons option disabled [Share buttons Layout]
- Alt attr missed in some img tags [Layouts]
- Exit platform when upload finished using ajax [Upload Controller]
- Choose file in subtitle doesn't display filename [Video Edit] [Frontend]
- Invalid SEF urls of videos [Finder plugin]
- Removed some whitespace in embed modal [Video view]
- Meta Injection removed because was used for FLV conversion, and now FLV is dead [Video Processing]
- FLV video generation removed [Video Processing]
- Force to process removed [Processing]
1.4.6 (09/04/2020)
New Features
- OSMap integration plugin added to installation package [Integration]
- Simple list and list group layouts [Categories module]
- Ability to change categories number per page [Config] [Tab Layout]
- Play icon overlap in card layout [Categories layouts]
- Sometimes when uploading multiple files and search finder plugin enabled [Core] [Upload] (18/03/2020)
New Features
- Now you can display videos order like in Joomla articles [Category view]
- Ability to choose which created date type to choose (from api or current date value) when using import from Youtube or Vimeo
- Missed closing tag [Channel Layout]
- Fatal error when opening linked videos modal [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- Linked videos modal table header repeated [Playlist edit] [Backend]
- Selecting videos doesn't work well [Vimeo import]
- Show control params default value was not set [VideoJS Player]
1.4.5 (04/02/2020)
New Features
- Ability to ability to get showcase videos [Vimeo Import]
- Allow any link to be added as direct video [Remot Upload]
- UI/UX improved in vimeo import tab [Uploading view]
- Importing videos was not working properly [Vimeo Import]
- Pagination not working properly [Vimeo Import]
- Some missed constants language [Vimeo Import]
- Created date should not be there [Category card layout]
- Playicon layout was not working [Categories module] Wrong params names [Categories module]
v1.4.4.5 (04/02/2020)
- Playicon layout doesn't load if loaded outside component [Layouts]
- Wrong missed table alias for language column [Popular videos]
- Wrong created video date [Channel Layout]
- Some php warnings if video has no channel [Channel Layout]
v1.4.4.5 (14/01/2020)
- All params now well organized and use showon attribute [Category view]
- Now we use Playicon layout for better reuse [Category view]
- Remove some non used variables [Category view]
- No need to check if there is no categories [Category view]
- Intelligent method to display active tab [Category view]
- Play button added to Video full width card [Category view]
- Linked videos now use iziModal [Linked videos modal] [Playlist Form]
- Subcategories columns options was not working [Category view]
- Broken layout when displaying subcats as list
- Title / desc limit was not working in videos full card layout [Category view]
- Subscribe button not working [Channels view]
- Pagination broken in some views [User dashboard]
- Invalid channel id [User subscriptions]
- Linked videos modal doesn't need pagination [Linked videos modal] [Playlist Form]
- Broken playlist list layout [Playlists view]
- Thumbs not showing in edit forms [Frontend] [Dashboard] [Edit Layouts]
v1.4.4 (05/01/2020)
- Sidebar menu now use submenus and easy to understand [Backend] [Sidebar]
- Many views and module now use layouts for better reuse.
- Routing mechanism improved, now JoomVideos can find the correct itemid easily
- Publish icon UI improved [All list views] [Backend]
- Many UI/UX improvements in grid/list views
- Namespaced fontawesome library
- UTF8 saving problem [Remote upload]
- Cursor pointer doesn't display in buttons bar [Buttons bar layout]
- Don't display removed categories in video [Video View]
- Shouldn't exclude category with ID equal to 1 [Category Edit] [Category dropdown]
- Debug code left in functions library
- Change user modal not working [Playlist form] [Channel form]
v1.4.3 (05/12/2019)
- Convert nl to br tags in when extracting youtube video description [Youtube Remote Plugin]
- Title doesn't display if show desc disabled [Grid Layout] [Videos list module]
- No bottom space between video cards [Grid Layout] [Videos list module]
- Display warning message if video unpublished or doesn't exist [Video Model] [Video View]
- Protect files expire time param moved after protect files param [Config XML]
- No space between Published label and date [Video View]
v1.4.2 (22/11/2019)
- Namespaced carousel to avoid conflicts [All modules]
- Broken thumb link in playlist [Video view]
- Removed some additional margin in thumbs of playlist [Video view]
- Wrong video block size on scrolling [Video view]
- Grid/list switch buttons not working [Categories view]
- Broken card footer [Featured module]
v1.4.1 (20/11/2019)
New Features
- Ability to change title tag [Category view]
- Ability to add custom class in title [Category view]
- Ability to change title and description truncation length in list and in grid separately
- Description block now use JLayout for better reuse [Category view]
- UI of description block improved [Category view]
- Thumb width param removed [Category view]
- Videos search bar UI improved [Category view]
- Text removed in Grid/List buttons and replaced by tooltips [Search Layout]
- Spaces between search bar and Grid/List button decreased in small devices [Search layout]
- Spaces between thumb and description in small devices [Description layout]
- Playicon and modal use JLayouts for better reuse [Category view]
- Full width video card in list use JLayouts for better reuse [Category view]
- Full width video card UI improved
- Regular font of icons in video card and card full width layouts [Category view]
- Wrong video play icon position in videos list tab [Category view]
- Some missed JText constants of tooltips [Search Layout]
- Strip tags param for description was not working [Category view]
- PHP notice in bdnicenumber function [Library]
- Playlist doesn't display for public users [Video view] [Playlist layout]
v1.4.0 16/11/2019
New Features
- Joomla! Custom fields integration in videos, playlists, channels
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
- Vimeo Videos Import [Upload view]
- Floating video on scrolling [All video players]
- Swiper carousel instead of OWL Carousel [Modules]
- Ability to change background color of player container [Video view]
- Ability to upload remote links and specify type (for directvideo, hls and dash)
- Ability to enable or disable url format testing in remote videos
- Ability to enable or disable url status checking in remote videos
- Ability to show / hide subcategories [Categories module]
- Ability to show / hide thumbnails [Categories module]
- Ability to override title, change items count ... and more [User videos plugin for JomSocial]
- Display categories dynamically based on current category view id [Categories module]
- Ability to show or hide empty categories [Categories module]
- Default image of channel updated
- Display warning message if no module published in home positions, message can be seen only by super users [Home View]
- Modules chrome now uses card style [Home View]
- JLayouts used in modules and many views area for better reuse.
- UX/UI improved in many views
- Uploading tab config well organized [Config]
- Ability to upload private vimeo videos [Vimeo Import]
- Fatal error if default player not activated
- Flowplayer not responsive in embed mode
- PHP notice in channel view [backend]
- Thumbnail not extracted if vimeo video is private [Remote link]
- PHP notice error in video [Content plugin]
- MP4PLayer not loaded if shortcode used multiple times [Content plugin]
- Disable resolution switcher if video source is youtube or vimeo
- Font family conflict with Fontawesome [VideoJS Player]
- PHP notice when adding a new playlist [Playlist manage] [Dashboard]
- Fatal error when clicking on order by in channels list [Backend]
- Some non used params was removed [Categories module] [Channels module]
- htmlentitydecode should be before strip_tags [Categories module] [Channels module]
- Removed show/hide category param [Channels module]
- Check url if not found using curl method instead of get_headers because fails in some servers [Remote link uploading method]
- Update video sources only if source array not empty [VideoJS Plugin]
- Google IMA ad container hide play button [VideoJS Plugin]
- ... and more
Last Added Features in v1.4.x
- Joomla! Custom fields integration in videos, playlists, channels
- Namespaced Bootstrap 4 no more conflicts with old Bootstrap versions
- Vimeo Videos Import [Upload view]
- Floating video on scrolling [All video players]
- Swiper carousel instead of OWL Carousel [Modules]
- Ability to change background color of player container [Video view]
- Ability to upload remote links and specify type (for directvideo, hls and dash)
- Ability to enable or disable url format testing in remote videos
- Ability to enable or disable url status checking in remote videos
- Ability to show / hide subcategories [Categories module]
- Ability to show / hide thumbnails [Categories module]
- Ability to override title, change items count ... and more [User videos plugin for JomSocial]
- Display categories dynamically based on current category view id [Categories module]
- Ability to show or hide empty categories [Categories module]
Previous Features in v1.3.x
- Plugins manager view that let you manage official plugins easily from backend
- Quick Youtube videos import using Youtube API
- Reveal animations in videos and categories
- HLS support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
- DASH support as remote plugin (Online Streaming)
- New player added (MP4Player), support Youtube, Vimeo, HLS and MP4
- Quota (limit disk space usage of uploaded files by user group)
- Limits (limit videos, playlists, files .... added by user group)
- Many new ACL rules added
- Upload subtitle to video with support in players
- Watermark support added in VideoJS
- Logobrand support added in VideoJS
- Ability to change Youtube thumbnails size from plugin params
- Ability to change Vimeo thumbnails size from plugin params
- Ability to display full video with details or only video when using content plugin
- New Recently graph added in backend dashboard
- Ability to force bootstrap framework loading
- Recaptcha support in report form
- Youtube support in JWPlayer v7
- PHP v7.2 support
- MP4 Player support Ads (works on youtube, vimeo and MP4 files)
- Ability to display all videos in root category
- 4K video processing support (mp4, flv, webm and ogg)
- Ability to enable or disable duration processing
- Ability to enable or disable title processing
Upcoming Features in version 1.4.x
- Mediaelement.JS player
- Ads management
- and more will be added in the list
- check more here:
More Info
- Roadmap in Trello:
- Full changelog:
- Community Forum:
- Help in translation: