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Mono is a responsive portfolio Joomla Template. It is perfect for any type of business like design agency, fashion, architecture, spa! It’s simple and lightweight template but have strong sections important to landing pages. Other than the minimalistic single page design, it also has a blog layout. Mono Joomla template is based on Gantry 5 framework.
Based on Gantry 5 & designed with great attention to details, flexibility and performance. It is ultra professional, smooth and sleek, with a clean modern layout. Mono takes full advantage of Gantry’s new inheritance system, making it easier than ever to configure and manage your website through synced particles, atoms, sections, and layouts. Save time by using inheritance to avoid repetitive changes!
Mono Joomla Template Features:
- Fully compatible for Joomla 4
- 13 Predefined header layouts
- Built on Gantry 5 Framework
- All PRO Gantry5 Particles and Atoms (View more)
- Custom Typography
- Unique Section Variations
- Unlimited Positions & Colors
- Powerful Template Settings
- Advanced Typography Options – Google Fonts
- Custom 404 Page and Offline Page
- Custom CSS/JS Code fields
- Cross-Browser Support
- and much more.